Sunday, October 12, 2014

Blog #8

This weeks assignment was to watch Randy Pausch's Last Lecture. Randy Pausch was a professor (and much more) at Carnegie Mellon University. He gave his last lecture on September 18, 2007. This was title his last lecture because he was literally given 3-6 months to live from about 10 tumors growing in his liver. He is an amazing speaker and seemed like he was an amazing professor and person.
This assignment was to think about what we can learn about teaching and learning from him. After watching this lecture, there are no words. It was over an hour long, but it kept me engaged the entire time. His teaching methods as a professor was almost purely Project Based Learning, fitting as his specialty was virtual worlds and building them. He gives so much great advice through out the video that I can not go into naming them all. The only advice I could possibly give to anyone is to take the time to watch this lecture. He speaks about achieving childhood dreams, not letting the brick walls stop you from what you want (they are there to stop those who don't really want the reward) and about his legacy he will be leaving behind. He throws a twist in at the end, but it was one of the most engaging hours and enlightening hours of my life. It's worth the butt numbness!

quote by Rand pausch


  1. Sabrina Stapleton,

    There were a couple things I liked about your blog post this week.
    - The quote photo was pretty cool.
    - " kept me engaged the entire time." This proves that he was a good teacher, and that's what we're going to have to do as educators!

    I have a few suggestions for this blog post. The format for the paragraphs on the post could use some work, and it's super easy to make it look better! You could either use the html code for spaces (I use method 3.) or you could just go an extra line down so each paragraph is separated by a blank line. The second suggestion I have for you is to focus more on the topic at hand. The Blog Assignments pdf states "The question asks you to address what we can learn about teaching and learning!" It also states "Think about the teaching methods he advocated and used at Carnegie-Mellon." I think you should have given more details on what he actually did instead of using 1-2 sentences to mention it. The last suggestion I have is just to proofread your work a little bit more. Most of it is really good! Because of that, it would only take a couple more minutes to catch the other ones. Here are a couple of them:
    - "He is an amazing speaker and seemed like he was an amazing professor and person." Watch your tenses! You shifted in the same sentence.
    - "His teaching methods as a professor was almost purely..." Methods is the subject so you should use were not was.

    Overall, you did well on the post, but try to stay focused on the topic at hand.
    Jennifer Cole

  2. "This weeks assignment…" week's not weeks. In this sentence week is possessive.

    See Jennifer's comments above with which I concur. In addition you could have found words to discuss head fakes, raising the bar, accepting critiques, brick walls, persistence, have fun, childlike wonder, learning from experience, asking for advice from peers and PLN, staying curious, being a life long learner.
